Monday, October 15, 2012

Almost now (Part 2)

So, yeah..  the A34, in winter.  Not fun!  And then we had a child, and the sleep deprivation added to the not fun-ness of it all, so I went back to getting the train.  On top of that, we moved to Stockport (Hazel Grove, to be precise), increasing the distance to work to 8.5 miles.

At the time, 8.5 miles seemed too far to commute on a daily basis.  At first, I thought that I could cycle halfway to save train fares, but it didn't save much money doing that.  I stuck to getting the train.

Until, one day, I changed my bank details at work, so my pay would go into our joint account.  I got one of the digits wrong.  My pay went AWOL!  In the face of skintness, I had to cycle to work - we couldn't afford the £100 that it would've cost to get the train.

That was three months ago.  My pay was rescued, but I've kept on cycling!  Turns out, 8.5 miles isn't too far, and currently the commute is more fun than the old one.  It's not quite winter yet, though, so there's still a chance that I'll surrender and get the train. 

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